When you need to borrow money quickly, you may not have time to extensively research the different types of available loans. What are the differences between payday loans and personal loans? The truth is that personal loans will almost always be better. Stuck in payday debt? DebtHammer may be able to help. At a glance: […]
If you make less than $40,000 a year, don’t have a college degree, have questionable credit, don’t own a home and are divorced or separated, you’re a payday lender’s prime target. But though they seem like a fast and simple option, that two-week payday loan can have a long-term impact on your financial situation. Before […]
If your payday loan lender requires you to set up automatic payments when you apply for your payday loan, it can cause problems if the money isn’t there to repay the loan when your next paycheck rolls around. Don’t worry, there are ways to stop these automatic payments legally. How to stop paying payday loans […]
Paying off one installment loan is hard enough. Juggling multiple lines of installment debt is a nightmare. That’s why people are turning to installment loan debt consolidation as a solution. Pro tip: Installment loans are high interest rate loans that are offered at banks, credit unions and online lenders. The loans can sometimes be secured […]
Payday Alternative Loans are small-dollar short-term loans that were designed to be a better alternative to traditional payday loans without the high fees and interest charges. They cost less and offer longer repayment terms, larger borrowing limits and interest rates are capped at 28%. Unfortunately, many payday loan borrowers are completely unaware that this type […]
Payday loan borrowers are used to giving up their paychecks to their lenders, many of whom offer services that already border on predatory. In an industry so full of shady practices, it can be difficult to discern the scams from legitimate loan companies. Thieves frequently try to take advantage of the fact that many of […]
It’s your worst nightmare: your car engine blew and you can’t get to work. But you have no emergency fund, your credit cards are maxed out, and payday isn’t for another two weeks. How can you get enough money to get it repaired without missing work? If you’ve ever needed cash on short notice, you […]
Payday loans are dangerous. What looks like a small fee at first often adds up to thousands of dollars. Before you take out a payday loan, use our pay loan calculator to determine your interest rate and compare how it stacks up against other types of loans. Calculate your payday loan APR You can calculate […]
Debt settlement can be a way out of a bad situation. Settled debt is gone: there are no more collection calls, bills or pressure. But there are still drawbacks. One is the impact on your credit score. Our take Four ways debt settlement affects your credit score Debt settlement can affect your credit score in […]
According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, household debt now totals $16.90 trillion, $986 billion of which is on credit cards. If your debts are causing you serious stress, you must take action. Debt settlement and Debt Management Plans are two of your leading options for dealing with unsecured debts like credit card […]