Rebecca Stumpf

Former DebtHammer Managing Editor Rebecca Stumpf is an award-winning journalist with 30+ years of experience working for daily newspapers. Her work has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Business Insider and She is an expert at using balance transfer credit cards for debt consolidation and is passionate about helping people get out of debt.

Is Debt Settlement a Good Idea? How to Tell if it’s Right for You

Many experts will try to warn you against debt settlement. However, even though it isn’t the right choice for everyone, sometimes it’s actually a good idea. Suppose you don’t qualify for a consolidation loan or are considering bankruptcy. In either case, debt settlement will be a better option – especially if you think you’ll need

Is Debt Settlement a Good Idea? How to Tell if it’s Right for You Read More »

Student Loan Debt Consolidation And Relief For Health Care Workers

It may seem crazy that many high-income medical professionals are struggling with debt. But you’d be shocked by the number of doctors who earn $600K+ a year but are living paycheck-to-paycheck due to crippling student loans with high interest rates. One survey found that one-third of healthcare workers said their financial security was impacted by

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Debt Settlement Qualifications: How to Figure Out If You’re Eligible

Thinking about debt settlement and not sure whether you’re eligible? You’ve come to the right place. According to, consumer debt hit a record high for 90% of Americans over the past year. Chances are you’re among that 90%. If you’re wondering how to get your ever-growing debt under control, debt settlement could be an

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