
Best Personal Loan Options After Declaring Bankruptcy (Avoid Payday Loans)

When a person files for bankruptcy, their credit score dives. This makes it extremely difficult to qualify for most forms of new credit. Most traditional lenders, including banks and credit unions, will reject applications for unsecured loans from consumers with bad credit or derogatory marks (ex., bankruptcy, charged-off accounts or accounts in collections) on their

Best Personal Loan Options After Declaring Bankruptcy (Avoid Payday Loans) Read More »

Thinking About Filing Bankruptcy for Credit Card Debt? What You Need to Know

According to Bankrate, the average credit card balance in 2021 was $5,525 and the average consumer had three credit cards. That comes out to $16,575 just in credit card debt, never mind what you’re shelling out for car payments, student loan payments, rent/mortgage payments, etc.! Given that the average full-time salary in 2021 was around $50,000,

Thinking About Filing Bankruptcy for Credit Card Debt? What You Need to Know Read More »

Types of Bankruptcy Explained: Which is Right for You?

Do you have severe debt problems? Are you underwater with credit card debt, have an untenable mortgage, unpaid medical bills, outstanding personal loans, and other unsecured debt, or have your wages garnished? According to statistics released by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the September 2021 annual bankruptcy filings totaled 434,540. Filing for bankruptcy

Types of Bankruptcy Explained: Which is Right for You? Read More »

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